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5th Workshop on European Canker
- Attendance:
- Presence event
- Event location:
- Hochschule Geisenheim University, Classroom 32, Campus Gebäude
- Category:
- Workshop
- Target groups:
- PhD students
- Researchers
- Employees of the Geisenheim University
5th workshop on European Canker to be held in Geisenheim, Germany from the 08th – 09th of October 2024. The workshop will start with a welcome reception on the evening of the 7th and run over two full days. The topics of the workshop are all concentrated on European Canker and will...
More information and bookTeaching Award 2024
- Attendance:
- mix
- Event location:
- Hochschule Geisenheim, Waas´sche Fabrik
- Category:
- Preisverleihung
- Target groups:
- Students
- Employees of the Geisenheim University
The Teaching Award honors teachers at Hochschule Geisenheim University who are highly committed to teaching and go above and beyond to support students' learning. The award is intended to reward and highlight outstanding teaching at the university and to publicize examples of good teaching...
More informationLehrforum 2024: Rethinking Key Competencies
- Attendance:
- Presence event
- Event location:
- Gerd-Erbslöh Hörsaal
- Hochschule Geisenheim, Aula
- Category:
- Lehrveranstaltung
- Target group:
- Employees of the Geisenheim University
SAVE THE DATE You are invited to experience an inspiring journey into the future of teaching at this year's Lehrforum! We will show you how innovative teaching and learning spaces and a consistent focus on skills can facilitate the path to a new era of teaching, as well as discuss established...
More informationWelcome Event Winter Semester 2021/22
- Attendance:
- Presence event
- Event location:
- Geisenheim, Campus und Rheingau-Atrium
- Category:
- Welcome event for first semester students
- Target group:
- First Semester Students
Welcome dear first-semester students! Welcome event for the winter semester 2021/22: Program Monday, October 18, 2021 Church service for first-semester students Welcome events of the degree programs Followed by campus tours Tuesday, October 19,...
More informationCellar Tour – Wine-Growers and Wineries in Geisenheim
- Attendance:
- Presence event
- Category:
- Weinprobe
- Target group:
- First Semester Students
As part of the Welcome Week program for first-year students, winemaker and scientist Dr. Yvette Wohlfahrt (Department of General and Organic Viticulture) will host a tour of three Geisenheim wineries, giving you the chance to try out various local wines. Meeting point: In front of the Campus...
More information and registerMonrepos-Vortrag: Naturschutzrechtliche Anforderungen an die räumliche Gesamtplanung
- Attendance:
- Presence event
- Event location:
- Hochschule Geisenheim, Hörsaal 10, Villa Monrepos
- Category:
- Vortrag
- Target groups:
- all
- Students
- Prospective students
- Landscape Architecture
- Employees of the Geisenheim University
Im Rahmen seiner Antrittsvorlesung als Honorarprofessor stellt Andreas Lukas, der hauptamtlich als Baudezernent der Stadt Koblenz tätig ist, die Vorgaben des Naturschutzrechts an das Aufstellen eines Bauleitplans dar. Aufgabe der Bauleitplanung ist es nicht nur die bauliche Nutzung zu...
More informationFeierliche Würdigung herausragender Leistungen - Gerd Erbslöh Preis
- Attendance:
- mix
- Event location:
- Gerd-Erbslöh Hörsaal
- Category:
- Preisverleihung
- Target groups:
- all
- Landscape Architecture
- Employees of the Geisenheim University
- Getränketechnologie
- Hochschulöffentlichkeit
Preisträgerin Julia Wolf stellt ihre Arbeit zu der zu erwartenden Novellierung des Weingesetzes vor. Eine Podiumsdiskussion zu dem Thema findet im Anschluss statt.
More informationSenatssitzung
- Attendance:
- mix
- Event location:
- Gerd-Erbslöh Hörsaal
- Category:
- Hochschulgremium
- Target groups:
- PhD students
- Researchers
- Employees of the Geisenheim University
"Der Senat berät in Angelegenheiten von Forschung, Lehre und Studium, die die gesamte Hochschule betreffen oder von grundsätzlicher Bedeutung sind. Er überwacht die Geschäftsführung des Präsidiums." [§36 Abs. 1 Hessisches Hochschul Gesetz] Die...
More informationKinderuni - Windkraft
- Attendance:
- Presence event
- Event location:
- Hochschule Geisenheim, Rebenzüchtung
- Category:
- Kinderuni
- Target groups:
- all
- Employees of the Geisenheim University
- Kinder
Gemeinsam mit dem VDI Rheingau hat die Hochschule Geisenheim im Rahmen ihres Jubiläumsjahres anlässlich des 150-jährigen Bestehens im Jahr 2022 eine KINDERUNI ins Leben gerufen. Ziel ist es, Kinder für Natur- und Ingenieurwissenschaften zu begeistern und ihnen zu zeigen, dass...
More information and registerCareer Day Hochschule Geisenheim University
- Attendance:
- mix
- Event location:
- Gerd-Erbslöh Hörsaal
- Categories:
- Fair
- for information
- Target groups:
- all
- Students
- Prospective students
- PhD students
- Researchers
- Employees of the Geisenheim University
- Professionals without prior knowledge
- beruflich Interessierte
- Fachleute mit Vorkenntnissen
At Hochschule Geisenheim University's Career Day, students have the chance to establish contact with leading companies in the green sector. Brain4Tomorrow This event is aimed at students from Hochschule Geisenheim University and other universities in the region with an interest in the...
More information