Survival Ecology - New pathways for European nature conservation?
- Veranstaltungsformat:
- Online-Veranstaltung
- Veranstaltungsort:
- Online-Veranstaltung
- Veranstalter:
- Hochschule Geisenheim University – Kompetenzzentrum Kulturlandschaft
- Kategorie:
- Fachtagung
- Zielgruppen:
- Interessierte Öffentlichkeit
- Studierende
- Doktorandinnen und Doktoranden
- Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler
- Mitarbeitende der Hochschule Geisenheim
Survival Ecology - New pathways for European nature conservation?
“In the climate emergency, conservation must become Survival Ecology” (Gardner & Bullock 2021). The authors introduce Survival Ecology as a concept and paradigm shift: a new perspective, which “rather than seeking to maintain a world which will no longer exist, [...] acknowledges unavoidable change and seeks to shape the world that […] looks to the future, not the past”. Its ultimate objective is to maintain the conditions for complex life, instead of focusing on maintaining the diversity of life.
In this online session we want to discuss the added value of the concept for European nature conservation strategies. The aim is an critical exchange between scientists, policy makers and practitioners, looking into the future of nature conservation in the context of global change. The link will to the online session will be provided after registration.
Event location via Greenlight. Link will be provided after registration.
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Informationen und Downloads:
Hochschule Geisenheim University – Kompetenzzentrum Kulturlandschaft
Nora Mehnen
49 (0)6722 502 655
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